J. Antonio Valls, Managing Director of Alimentaria Exhibitions (left) and José María Bonmatí, Managing Director of the Asociación de Empresas del Gran Consumo (AECOC) (right), in the signing of their partnership agreement.
George Restrepo, Founder of Coctelería Creativa (left) and J. Antonio Valls, Managing Director of Alimentaria Exhibitions (right) in the presentation of the Barcelona Cocktail Art project.
Mauricio García de Quevedo, Managing Director of the Federation of Food and Beverage Industries (FIAB) (left) and J. Antonio Valls, Managing Director of Alimentaria Exhibitions (right) in the signing of their partnership agreement.
Olga Martínez, President of Produlce and J. Antonio Valls, Managing Director of Alimentaria Exhibitions, in the signing of their partnership agreement.
Ana Turón, head of the magazine Restauración Colectiva and J. Antonio Valls, Managing Director of Alimentaria Exhibitions in the signing of their partnership agreement.
J. Antonio Valls, Managing Director of Alimentaria Exhibitions (left) and José Luis Benítez, Managing Director of the Federación Española del Vino (FEV) (right), in the signing of their partnership agreement.
José Luis Yzuel, Managing Director of the Federación Española de Hostelería (FEHR) (left) and J. Antonio Valls, Managing Director of Alimentaria Exhibitions (right) in the signing of their partnership agreement.
Strategic agreement signed by Juan Antonio Alcaraz García (at the right side of the image), Managing Director of CaixaBank, as sponsor, and J. Antonio Valls (left of the image), Managing Director of Alimentaria Exhibitions.
The managing director os Alimentaria Exhibitions, J.Antonio Valls, and Roser Brutau, president of the Bank of Foods of Barcelona, renewed the commitment to take advantage of all the food surplus of the show.
Alimentaria 2018